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You’ve likely heard about open-angle glaucoma – perhaps you or someone you care for is living with it. Whatever your situation, we encourage you to take a moment and refresh your understanding of this condition.




If you’ve been diagnosed with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension, take a look at the resources below for ways to help manage your eye care routine.




If you’re caring for someone with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension, take a look at the resources below for ways you can help manage their condition.



This presentation provides information on the condition and may not reflect benefits of the product.

What is open-angle glaucoma?

What is open-angle glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that affect
the optic nerve and can lead to vision loss.
The most common type (about 90% of all cases)
is called primary open-angle glaucoma. It generally
develops gradually and painlessly – without early
warning signs – so most people don’t experience
any symptoms until their vision is affected.

What causes it?

What causes it?

Your eye contains a clear, watery liquid that feeds
the inside of the eye. Liquid is constantly being
drained out of the eye and new liquid is made to
replace this. If the liquid can’t drain out quickly
enough, the pressure inside the eye builds up.
Over time, this pressure can damage the optic
nerve, which can eventually affect vision.

What are the signs and symptoms?

What are the signs and symptoms?

Early symptoms of open-angle glaucoma are
uncommon. However, some people experiencing
this condition do have complaints earlier in the
course of the disease – like missing words while
reading, missing stairs while walking, or having
difficulty driving.

How is it detected?

How is it detected?

A comprehensive eye exam with pupil dilation
is usually conducted to detect open-angle
glaucoma. During the evaluation, the eye care
professional measures pressure in the eye and
thickness of the cornea; they may also use
special tools to assess damage to the optic nerve.

How is it managed?

How is it managed?

Open-angle glaucoma may be managed in the
following ways:


There are different medications available to treat
open-angle glaucoma. Typically, they come in eye
drop form and are used to reduce pressure within
the eye. In some instances, oral medications (in
tablet or pill form) may also be used.

Laser therapy

A laser procedure may be recommended to
enhance fluid drainage from the eye and help
lower eye pressure. Results may be temporary,
so repeat sessions may be required.


Surgical procedures are sometimes utilized to
create new fluid passages from the eye, with the
goal of improving drainage and reducing pressure.


Experts suggest
there’s no cure for
open-angle glaucoma –
it may require lifetime
monitoring and routine


Read when to take your LUMIGAN RC eye drops regularly.

Learn how to take your LUMIGAN RC eye drops correctly.

Get help planning your eye care routine with multiple eye drops.

Download other helpful tips to stay on track with your glaucoma management.

Lumigan treatment guide

Explore a comprehensive guide to treatment with LUMIGAN RC.


Read when LUMIGAN RC eye drops should be taken and how you can help.

Learn how to give LUMIGAN RC eye drops correctly.

Get help planning an eye care routine for someone using multiple eye drops.

Download other helpful tips to help them stay on track with glaucoma management.

Lumigan treatment guide

Explore a comprehensive guide to LUMIGAN RC.


LUMIGAN RC should always be used exactly as a healthcare professional has instructed. Refer to the Patient Information leaflet included with the medication for complete product information.